Coaching Generativ: Arta Creativitatii Sustenabile. Stephen Gilligan in Romania.
Coaching Generativa: Arta Creativitatii Sustenabile. A treia generatie de coaching.
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Un workshop de exceptie cu Stephen Gilligan Ph.D.*
7 – 11 noiembrie 2018, Bucuresti
“Intre constient si inconstient, mintea a asezat un leagan
toate creaturile pamantului, chiar si supernovele, se leagana intre acesti doi copaci
iar leaganul nu se opreste niciodata
Ingeri, animale, oameni, milioane de insecte, si soarele si luna cele rotitoare;
Veacurile trec, si totul continua”
(Kabir, tradus de Robert Bly)
Coachingul este procesul prin care putem insoti pe cineva sa traiasca si sa creeze la maximum de potential. Implica aducerea la suprafata a punctelor forte, a talentelor si abilitatilor personale, sprijinind depasirea rezistentelor interne si a interferentelor, si inlesnirea functionarii ca parte a unui intreg.
Focusul central in Coachingul Generativ este Creativitatea. Coaching-ul generativ este a treia generatie de coaching, cea mai recenta – si include, ca si abordare, si lucrul cu emotiile, cu intentia si atentia la starea de constiinta. Coachingul Generativ se asigura ca intentiile sunt congruente si rezonante, apoi cauta sa dezvolte cea mai inalta stare de constiinta, potrivita pentru ca intentia pozitiva sa fie realizata. Aceasta “acordare” la o stare optima ar putea include centrare somatica; identificarea si transformarea credintelor negative; accesarea si integrarea unei varietati de resurse; planuri de actiune; identificarea si transformarea emotiilor negative si ale relatiilor relevante pentru scopul ales; si deschiderea catre o constiinta creativa.
Astfel, coachingul generativ implica o arie de lucru mai vasta si mai profunda decat coaching-ul traditional. Invita oamenii sa invete cum isi pot realiza visele devenind maestrii propriei constiente creative. In timp ce mentine o orientare pozitiva catre viitor si catre “posibilitati infinite”, priveste intreaga experienta a unei persoane – stari interne pozitive si negative, credinte, experiente trecute, imaginatia creativa, stari somatice etc – ca pe resurse potentiale pentru a-si realiza aceste intentii pozitive.
Acest workshop va pregati si va antrena participantii sa aplice modelul in 6 pasi al Coachingului Generativ:
(1) Deschiderea unui camp COACH;
(2) Setarea intentiei/scopului;
(3) Crearea unei stari creative;
(4) Actiunea;
(5) Transformarea obstacolelor;
(6) Deprinderea de abilitati practice.
Impreuna, acesti 6 pasi reprezinta un mod coerent de a sustine un client intru implinirea viselor.
Procesul creativ este intotdeauna o conversatie intre “lumea visatorului”, a inconstientului creativ, si lumea practica a mintii constiente. Astfel, un focus major al trainingului va fi sa invatam si sa integram metodele transei generative in procesul de coaching. Transa generativa nu este o experienta pasiva in care “adormim” ci mai degraba un proces activ de “trezire”, care ne conecteaza cu o constienta profund creativa, servind scopuri creative practice.
Tinta transei generative este sa ajute o persoana sa devina, cum ar spune Campbell “transparenta intru transcendenta”, cu alte cuvinte sa dizolve zidurile opace ale lumii lor constiente pentru ca sa poata puna lumina pe lumea sclipitoare a posibilitatilor infinite.
Ca metoda de lucru, practicianul in transa generativa care lucreaza cu un client intretine in stare meditativa idei ca: “ceva se trezeste”, “sunt sigur/a ca acest lucru are sens”, “ceva incearca sa vindece”. Asadar, in mare parte a procesului, atat clientul cat si terapeutul acced stari generative pentru a infaptui aceste posibilitati. Acesta este si scopul inducerii transei: sa faca trecerea catre o stare de constiinta superioara care faciliteaza invatarea generativa.
In acest curs vei invata cum, de ce si cand sa folosesti coachingul generativ pentru a crea shimbare in cele trei domenii de viata importante: • viata profesionala, • relatii personale (intimitate, familie, prieteni) si • relatia cu sine (imaginea de sine, perceptia propriului corp, istorie emotionala, “partile negative”).
Vei afla felul in care realitatea este construita prin harti ale sistemului minte/corp si cum in lucrul cu schimbarea generativa aceste harti identitare pot fi accesate in siguranta, updatate, transformate, sau create de la zero. Acest proces schimba imprintul din inconstient care ghideaza o persoana prin viata. Apoi, coachingul generativ ghideaza oamenii sa aplice aceste harti noi in moduri practice.
Asadar, coaching-ul generativ este a treia generatie de coaching. Include multe din principiile de baza ale coachingului traditional – accentul pus pe scopuri pozitive, orientare catre viiitor si planuri de actiune – dar acorda o atentie deosebita si starii de constiinta, incluzand aici si starile emotionale negative. Dand aceeasi importanta vietii interioare ca si celei exterioare, permitem aparitia de noi posibilitati. Mentinand o curiozitate pozitiva si un grad de perceptie holist, la nivel inalt, in ceea ce priveste experientele negative (in serviciul intentiilor pozitive), energia pierduta este recuperata si re-asumata si noi abilitati sunt descoperite. Si, lucrul cel mai important, scopul primar este acela de a conecta clientii cu constiinta creativa de care este nevoie pentru a genera o viata fericita, plina de succes si sens.
Aceasta este munca de avangarda a uneia dintre figurile marcante internationale in domeniul transei creative. Cu siguranta veti avea experienta unui training de exceptie.
Pret eveniment: 900 eur – pentru inscrieri si plata avansului dupa 1 ianuarie 2018
(Pentru entitati juridice se adauga 20% la toate variantele de plata.)
Organizatori: Ramona Gherasim, 0748444888
Ana Maria Stefanescu, 0723473059
Pentru a primi formularul de inscriere trimite un e-mail la contact@stephengilligan.ro
*Dr. Stephen Gilligan este psiholog cu doctorat la Universitatea Stanford. Este cel mai important student al lui Milton Erickson, marele psihiatru si hipnoterapeut. Dr. Gilligan a continuat si dezvoltat aceasta munca in ultimii 40 de ani in moduri semnificative, in timp ce si-a dezvoltat de asemenea programele in Transa Generativa si Coaching Generativ. In 2004, a primit premiul atat de rar oferit “Lifetime Achievement Award” de la Fundatia Erickson ca si recunoastere si onorare a multelor contributii aduse in domeniu. Este co-fondatorul (impreuna cu Robert Dilts) al Asociatiei Internationale pentru Schimbare Generativa (IAGC), care pregateste multi studenti si multe echipe in toata lumea. A publicat masiv, si cele 9 carti includ Coaching Generativ (in curs de aparitie, scrisa impreuna cu Robert Dilts), Transa Generativa: experienta fluxului creativ; Calatoria Eroului (cu Robert Dilts); Curajul de-a iubi; Transe Terapeutice; si Mostenirea lui Erickson. Mai multe informatii despre Stephen Gilligan puteti gasi pe site-ul sau:www.StephenGilligan.com (art event cover: Abbe Miller)
******** Generative Coaching – The art of sustainable creativity. A third generation approach. A special workshop with Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D. 7 – 11 november 2018, Bucharest “Between the conscious and the unconscious, the mind has put up a swing: all earth creatures, even the supernovas, sway between these two trees, and it never winds down. Angels, animals, humans, insects by the million, also the wheeling sun and moon; ages go by, and it goes on.” ((Kabir, translated by R. Bly) Coaching is the process of helping another person to perform at the peak of his or her abilities. It involves drawing out a person’s strengths, helping the person to overcome internal resistances and interferences, and facilitating him or her to function as a part of a team. The core focus in Generative Coaching is creativity. Generative Coaching is the 3rd coaching generation, the most recent – and includes, as approach, working with emotions, with intention and attention to one’s state of consciousness. This attunement to an optimal state might include somatic centering; identifying and transforming negative beliefs; accessing and integrating a variety of resources; ensuring action plans; identifying and transforming negative emotions and relationships relevant to the goal; and opening to a creative consciousness. Thus, generative coaching involves a broader and deeper type of work than traditional coaching. It invites people to learn how they can realize their dreams by mastering their own creative consciousness. While it maintains a positive orientation to the future and “infinite possibilities,” it sees all of a person’s experience –positive and negative internal states, beliefs, historical experiences, creative imaginations, somatic states, etc.– as potential resources to achieving these positive goals. This workshop will teach and train students in the 6-step model of Generative Coaching: (1) Opening a COACH field; (2) Setting intentions/goals; (3) Developing a creative state; (4) Taking action; (5) Transforming obstacles; and (6) Developing practices. These six steps represent a coherent way to help a client realize their dreams. The creative process is always a conversation between the “dreamer world” of the creative unconscious and the practical world of the conscious mind. Thus, a major focus of the training will be how to integrate methods of the “generative trance” work developed by Dr. Gilligan into the coaching process. Generative trance is not a passive “sleep” experience, but rather an active “awakening” process that connects to deep creative consciousness, in service of practical creative purposes. In this course, you will learn how, why, and when to use generative coaching and generative trance to create change in the main three general life areas: + professional (work) life, + personal relationships (intimacy, family, friends), and + self-relationship (body image, emotional history, “negative parts”). We will see how reality is constructed through mind/body maps, and how in generative change work these identity maps can be safely accessed, updated, transformed, or created anew. This changes the unconscious “blueprint” that guides a person in living their life., and generative coaching then guides people to apply these new maps in practical ways. So, generative coaching as a third generation of change work. It includes most of the basic principles and methods of traditional coaching–an emphasis on positive goals, future orientation, and action plans–but also gives major attention to a person’s state of consciousness, including their negative emotional states. By emphasizing the “inner game” of a person’s performance as equally important as their outer life allows new possibilities to emerge. By having a positive curiosity and skillful orientation to negative experiences (in the service of positive goals), lost energy is re-claimed and new skills are discovered. Most important, its primary goal is to connect clients with the creative consciousness needed to generate a happy, successful, and meaningful life. This is cutting edge work from one of the major international figures in creative trance work. We are confident you will find it an exceptional training. Early Bird Price: 780 eur – available until December 31, 2017 Event Full Price: 900 eur – available from January 1st, 2018 Event sponsors: Ramona Gherasim, +40748444888 Ana Maria Stefanescu, +40723473059 contact@stephengilligan.ro